Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Giving up control

I had a breakthrough yesterday. No great, measurable deeds were accomplished, but I had a change in mindset that I think helps clarify things.

Hi, I'm Megan, recovering control freak.

The home of an undercover control freak
And what's really funny is that I'm an inconspicuous control freak. When I think of my colleagues in the English department, I think I come across as relatively relaxed. I don't know what I'll be teaching in my English classes on September 5th next school year (Hey, Josh!). I, sadly, am never "with it" enough to book the computer carts months (perhaps years) in advance like Rob. I'm not terrifying like Valerie (you know I love you). My work spaces at times look, quite frankly, disastrous. But, mentally, I like a place for everything and everything in its place.

This is a problem when it comes to embracing Maker education because, as I've been told, Making is messy. Making requires students to move at their own paces, to be allowed to slow down and keep trying, to do something over, to take leaps. I can't plan for that, I just have to allow it to happen.

I've been pretty hung up on how many units or projects students will be required to do, what materials they should use and when. How long each unit should last. What should we do every Monday? What about Fridays?

Yesterday, I allowed myself to let all that go. I've been so worried about nailing the Jell-O to the wall that I neglected to ask myself who the heck wants Jell-O on the darn wall in the first place. 

So now I have a plan to de-plan. I'm not going to share the plan yet because I need more time to ruminate. But for the first time since the Education Forum in October, I am more excited than apprehensive about facilitating the class next year.

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